(Bibliography available for research)

Miller, Larry: Interjú George Maciunassal, in: Maciunas, George: Írások, diagramok, Artpool Füzetek, Artpool, Budapest, 1996, 14-23.

Miller, Larry: Interview with George Maciunas, 1978, in: Bonito Oliva, Achille - Gabriella De Mila - Claudio Cerritelli (eds.): Ubi fluxus ibi motus 1990-1962, Mazzotta, Milano, 1990, 226-233.

Miller, Larry: Maybe Fluxus (A Para-Interrogative Guide for the Neoteric Transmuter, Tinder, Tinker and Totalist), in: Friedman, Ken (ed.): The Fluxus Reader, Academy Editions, Baffins Lane, Chichester, West Sussex (England), 1998, 212-213.

Miller, Larry: Robert Watts: wissenschaftlicher Mönch, in: Daniels, Dieter (ed.): Fluxus - Ein Nachruf zu Lebzeiten, Kunstforum International, Vol. 115 (special issue), 1991 September-October, 144-155.

Miller, Larry: Transcript of the Videotaped Inteview with George Maciunas, in: Friedman, Ken (ed.): The Fluxus Reader, Academy Editions, Baffins Lane, Chichester, West Sussex (England), 1998, 183-198.

Zeitlin, Marilyn (ed.): As If The Universe Were an Object. Larry Miller. Selected Works: 1969-1985, Anderson Gallery, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia, 1986, 56 p., ill., b&w

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