Newsletter / Review
Editors: György Galántai and Júlia Klaniczay; design, layout and production: György Galántai POOLWINDOW / POOL-LETTER (one page mail art newsletter, 30 issues [1980: 1–5, 1981: 6–18, 1982: 19–30], A4, photocopy)
AL (Aktuális / Alternatív / Artpool Levél) [Actual / Alternative / Artpool Letter], 1983–1985, 11 issues, (Nos. 1–9, A5, photocopied, Nos. 10, 11, A4, photocopied with offset cover, rubber stamp, with a circulation of 300– 500, bookwork-like samizdat art magazine with several inserts and supplements and with English summaries for each issue
Boxed edition of AL (Artpool Letter) 1–11, 1983–1985 (Artpool, Budapest, 2004), published in 15 copies. Assembled from the leftover original inserts and sheets (some missing pages were reprinted from the original template using the same photocopy technique)

Radio Artpool, cassette release, cassettes 1–8, 1983–1987, Artpool, Budapest

Bookwork publications (design and production: György Galántai):
The Artpool, 1980, A6, 18 pages, offset, foldout bookwork (it simultaneously functioned as the first issue of the Poolwindow newsletter)
Textile Without Textile (Textil – textil nélkül), Galántai–Artpool, Budapest, 1980. Original works in an A4 format silk-screened folder, in a variety of techniques by 54 artists from various countries, 300 numbered copies
ART + POST (Művészet és Posta), 1981, four A6 booklets in an envelope, offset, ca. 200 copies. (The series containing the Hungarian translation of articles and studies about correspondence art was published to prepare the first exhibition of Hungarian mail artists. The fourth booklet was also the catalog of the exhibition.)
ART-UMBRELLA (Művészet-Esernyő), 1981, bookwork-catalog, A6, offset, with color foil cover, 97 numbered copies. 104 works by 33 Hungarian artists
Artpool’s Ray Johnson Space (I–III.), Artpool, 1983, bookwork, 4–4 copies Artpool’s Ray Johnson Book / Four Letters, 1985, A4, 120 pages, photocopy, 10 numbered copies
To live in a negative utopia, 1982–1987, A5, 34 pages booklet, photocopy, 100 numbered copies. An edition of selected “answers” by 32 artists to Ray Johnson’s second “add to” letter
Everybody with Anybody, Artpool, 1982, A5, offset, rubber stamp, in a plastic bag, 300 numbered copies. Bookwork-catalog with photos, original rubber stamps and articles by György Galántai, Miklós Erdély, Albert Kováts and György Szemadám in Hungarian and in English. Catalog of the rubber stamp event, 1982 (supplement to the catalog: call, invitation and poster)
Stamp + Rubber Stamp, Artpool, 1982, 17x15 cm, silk-screened, offset, collage, rubber stamp, cardboard cover, folder-like, 125 numbered copies. A publication compiled and conceived by György Galántai to honor those 22 Hungarian artists, who participated both in Artpool’s artistamp and rubber stamp project World Art Post, Artpool, 1982, A4 landscape format, offset, silk-screened plastic foil cover, ca. 900 copies. An album of 27 sheets (28 stamps each) of stamps designed by 550 artists from 35 countries – with essays and studies on artistamps in English by Peter Frank, E. F. Higgins, László Beke, etc., along with a comprehensive bibliography. Editors: György Galántai and Júlia Klaniczay. Published on the occasion of the “World Art Post” exhibition, 1982
Commonpress 51, “Hungary”, Artpool, Budapest, 1984, 15 copies (cover: silk-screened plastic foil and a color offset tourist prospectus, inside: photocopy) – catalog of the exhibition “Hungary Can Be Yours! / International Hungary”
Commonpress 51, “Hungary”, Artpool, Budapest, 1984–1989, 300 copies, offset. Printed version of the original catalog
The Artpool – Documentation 1979–1984, edited and produced by György Galántai, Artpool, Budapest, A4, ca. 70–80 pages, photocopy eventually with collaged photos, artistamps, rubber stamp prints. 1984: series I–IV, (5 copies each), 1985: V (10 copies), VI (6 copies), 1986: VII (6 copies), 1987–88: VIII (22 copies)


Documentary yearbooks
Artpool 1992 Artpool 1993 Artpool 1994 (A4 spiral bound, with original documents, photocopy)

Artpool booklets
(A5 booklets with Hungarian translation of source texts)
Friedman, Ken: Fluxus 1992, Artpool, Budapest, 1992, 20 p.
Network utópiák. A mindenüttlevés művészete. Részletek az 1993-as On Line szimpózium anyagából [Network Utopias. The Art of Being Everywhere. Excerpts from the On Line Symposium, 1993], selected by Robert Adrian X., Artpool, Budapest, 1993, 16 p.
Válogatás Ben Vautier írásaiból [Texts by Ben Vautier, a selection], Artpool, Budapest, 1993, 36 p.
Maciunas, George: Írások, diagramok [Writings, Diagrams], edited by Annamária Szőke, Artpool, Budapest, 1993, 24 p.
Hangköltészet [Sound Poetry], anthology edited by and introductory study: Endre Szkárosi, Artpool, Budapest, 1994, 42 p.
Kaprow, Allan: Assemblage, environmentek & happeningek [Assemblage, Environments & Happenings], edited by and afterword: Annamária Szőke, Artpool, Budapest, 1996, 42 p.
Hyper text + Multimédia, edited by and afterword: János Sugár, Artpool, Budapest, 1996, 64 p. (second corrected edition: Artpool, Budapest, 1998)

Catalogs and project documentations
Artpool´s Faxzine, Artpool, Budapest, 1992 (A5, 24 pages, photocopy, English), booklet documenting the Networker Congress Budapest event, designed, edited and produced by György Galántai
FLUX FLAG, Fluxus Zászló, Artpool, 1992 (A4, monochrome and color photocopy 94 pages, printed in 100 numbered copies). Publication designed, edited and produced by György Galántai with the use of the artists’ documents and photographs of the exhibited fluxus flags
NETWORKER POST, Artistamp Museum of Artpool, Budapest, 1992–93 (A4, photocopy, 100 pages in a folder, 150 copies). Stamp sheets, with 5x4 artistamps each, by 100 artists
FLUXMOST, Artpool, 1993 (A4, offset, 4 pages), test issue of a planned review
Polyphonix 26 – Budapest, Artpool, Budapest, 1994 (A4, offset, 16 pages, English–Hungarian). Catalog of the Sound Poetry Festival organized by Artpool and Polyphonix Association (Paris) in Budapest, 1994, with biographies and photos of the participating artists
Networker Bridge, Artpool, Budapest, 1994 (A5 booklet assembled from 8+1 A4 sheets folded in two, b&w and color photocopy). 64 tarot-card images, a bookwork by György Galántai in homage to the networker friends of Artpool
Sajnos István szövegei [István Sajnos texts], Artpool, Budapest, 1995 (A5, photocopy, 44 pages, Hungarian), booklet documenting the sajnos [alas] project
Video-Expedition in the Performance-World, Artpool, Budapest, 1995 (A4, offset, 32 pages, English– Hungarian). Catalog of the performance-video festivals organized by Artpool and summary of the Year of Performance including description of, and information on, the videos, photographs, brief introductory notes by some experts of the topic, with index. Edited by Júlia Klaniczay, designed by György Galántai
Monument Square Postcards, Artpool, Budapest, 1997 (an edition of 56 cards selected from the 134 works received for the project to transform a postcard showing Budapest’s Heroes square)
The Year of Installation at Artpool: Installation Project 1998, Artpool, Budapest, 1999 (A4, 32 pages, offset). Catalog of the project and the events held during “The Year of Installation” (English–Hungarian)
Marcel Duchamp Szimpozion 1987 [Marcel Duchamp Symposium 1987], Artpool, Budapest, 2007 (A4, digital print, 62 pages, Hungarian), publication with the “Five minute lectures” held at the symposium in 1987 by 21 leading Hungarian artists and art critics
Hommage à Marcel Duchamp, Artpool. Budapest, 2007 (A4, color digital print, 100 copies, 143 pages + insert: English summary of the “Five minute lectures”). A bookwork-catalog, an imprint of the website documenting the event (symposium, concerts and exhibition) “In the Spirit of Marcel Duchamp” organized by György Galántai (Artpool) and Péter György (Department of Aesthetics at the Eötvös Loránd Univ.) in 1987
Robert Watts: Flux Med, Artpool, Budapest, 2008, 48 pages. Exhibition catalog with essays by Francesco Conz, Larry Miller and Geoffrey Hendricks (English–Hungarian)

Galántai, György – Klaniczay, Júlia (eds.): Galántai, Életmunkák / Lifeworks 1968–1993, Artpool – Enciklopédia Kiadó, Budapest, 1996, 318 p. (English–Hungarian)
Kaprow, Allan: Assemblage, environmentek & happeningek [Assemblage, Environments & Happenings], Artpool – Balassi Kiadó – BAE Tartóshullám, Budapest, 1998, 75 p. (edited by and afterword: Annamária Szőke)
Koppány, Márton (ed.): Idegen az ajtóban, [Stranger at the door], Artpool – Balassi Kiadó, Budapest, 1999, 124 p.
Szőke, Annamária (ed.): A performance-művészet [Performance Art], Artpool – Balassi Kiadó – Tartóshullám, Budapest, 2000, 346 p.
Beke, László – Bálint, Anna (ed.): Poipoi, Artpool – Műcsarnok, Budapest, 1998, 40 p.
Szőke, Annamária (ed.): Diagramok: Gondolat-térképek [Diagrams: Mind Maps], Artpool – Műcsarnok, Budapest, 1998, 51 p.
Havasréti, József – K. Horváth, Zsolt (eds.): Avantgárd: underground: alternatív. Popzene, művészet és szubkulturális nyilvánosság Magyarországon [Avant-garde: Underground: Alternative: Pop Music, Art and Subculture in Hungary], Kijárat Kiadó – Artpool Művészetkutató Központ – PTE Kommunikációs Tanszék, Budapest – Pécs, 2003, 239 p.
Klaniczay, Júlia – Sasvári, Edit (eds.): Törvénytelen avantgárd. Galántai György balatonboglári kápolnaműterme 1970–1973 [Illegal Avant-garde, the Chapel Studio of György Galántai in Balatonboglár 1970–1973], Artpool – Balassi, Budapest, 2003, 460 p.
Klaniczay, Júlia – Szőke Annamária (eds.): FLUXUS. Interjúk, szövegek, események–esetek [FLUXUS. Interviews, Texts, Events], Artpool – Ludwig Múzeum, Budapest, 2008, 350 p.
Havasréti, József: Széteső dichotómiák. Színterek és diskurzusok a magyar neoavantgárdban [Dichotomies Falling Apart. Scenes and Discourses in the Hungarian Neo-avantgarde], Gondolat Kiadó, Budapest – Artpool, Budapest – PTE Kommunikáció- és Médiatudományi Tanszék, Pécs, 2009, 256 p.
Tamkó Sirató, Károly: A Dimenzionista Manifesztum története. A DIMENZIONIZMUS (nemeuklidészi művészetek) I. ALBUMA. Az avantgárd művészetek rendszerbe foglalása [The History of the Dimensionist Manifesto. Album I of Dimensionism (non-Euclidean arts). The Systematization of Avant-Garde Arts], Artpool – Magyar Műhely Kiadó, Budapest, 2010, 198 p. (in Hungarian). Texts edited and notes written by: Júlia Klaniczay. Postscript by: László L. Simon. Book supplement: Manifeste Dimensioniste, 1936, 2 p. (reprint of the French original)
Artpool 30 kronológia 1979–2009 [Artpool 30 Chronology 1979–2009], edited by Júlia Klaniczay, Artpool, Budapest, 2010, 100 p.
Abajkovics, Péter – Székely, Ákos (eds.): Leopold Bloom Planetoida, Artpool, Budapest – Magyar Műhely Kiadó, Budapest, 2012, 240 p. (English–Hungarian)

Indexes, Bibliographies
(compiled from materials and documents preserved in the Artpool Art Research Center)
Bényi, Csilla: Művészeti események a Bercsényi Klubban 1963–1987 [Art Events in the Bercsényi Klub 1963–1987], Ars Hungarica, 2002/1., pp. 123–165.
Bényi, Csilla: A Bercsényi 28–30 című kiadvány repertóriuma [Index of the periodical “Bercsényi 28–30”], Ars Hungarica, 2002/2. pp. 387–410.
Bényi, Csilla: A hetvenes–nyolcvanas évek alternatív zenei életének dokumentumai az Artpoolban [Index of the documents on the alternative music scene in Hungary in the seventies and eighties], in: Havasréti, József – K. Horváth, Zsolt (eds.): Avantgárd: underground: alternatív. Popzene, művészet és szubkulturális nyilvánosság Magyarországon [Avant-garde: Underground: Alternative: Pop Music, Art and Subculture in Hungary], Kijárat Kiadó – Artpool Művészetkutató Központ – PTE Kommunikációs Tanszék, Budapest – Pécs, 2003, pp. 122–131.
Bényi, Csilla: A konferencia témájához kapcsolódó alternatív/underground zenei események 1977–1989. Válogatott kronológia az Artpool archívumában található dokumentumok alapján, [Chronology of alternative / underground concerts 1977–1989, based on documents to be found in the archives of Artpool], in: Havasréti, József – K. Horváth, Zsolt (eds.): op. cit., pp. 225–239.
Bényi, Csilla – Galántai, György – Sasvári, Edit: Eseménytörténet 1966–1974 [Chronology of Events 1966– 1974], in: Klaniczay, Júlia – Sasvári, Edit (eds.): Törvénytelen avantgárd. Galántai György balatonboglári kápolnaműterme 1970–1973 [Illegal Avant-garde, the Chapel Studio of György Galántai in Balatonboglár 1970–1973], Artpool–Balassi, Budapest, 2003, pp. 91–190.
Bényi, Csilla: Underground/alternatív/szamizdat irodalmi és képzőművészeti periodikumok bibliográfiája [Bibliography of Underground/alternative/samizdat periodicals of art and literature], in: Deréky, Pál – Müllner, András (eds.): Né/ma? Tanulmányok a magyar neoavantgárd köréből [Né/ma? Studies about the Hungarian Neo-avantgarde], Aktuális avantgárd 3., Ráció Kiadó, Budapest, 2004, pp. 348–366.
Bényi, Csilla: AL / Artpool Letter – Aktuális Levél 1983–1985 (Repertórium) [Index of AL / Artpool Letter 1983–1985], Ars Hungarica, 2004/2., pp. 406–433.
Galántai, György: Művészeti kapcsolat és kapcsolatból művészet. Kísérlet a magyar kapcsolat- és küldeményművészet kronológiájának összeállítására [Art correspondence and art from correspondence. An attempt to compile a chronology of Hungarian correspondence art and mail art], in: Beke, László (ed.): Mail Art, Műcsarnok, Budapest, 1998, pp. 21–59. (Updated version online at:
Galántai, György: AL 1–11 tematikus tartalom [AL 1–11, thematic index], ALonline.html, 2007
Irodalomjegyzék (a Balatonboglári Kápolnaműterem történetéhez), [Bibliography of the history of the Chapel Studio in Balatonboglár], in: Klaniczay, Júlia – Sasvári, Edit (eds.): op. cit., pp. 443–449.
Sasvári, Edit: Levéltári forrásjegyzék (a Balatonboglári Kápolnaműterem történetéhez) [List of Source Documents (related to the history of the Chapel Studio in Balatonboglár)], in: Klaniczay, Júlia – Sasvári, Edit (eds.): op. cit., pp. 407–441.