8 July 1972 - In the course of the program “DIRECT WEEK” performances, actions and events are held by the participants of the “Avant-garde Festival” banned in Budapest. Participants: Béla Adamis, László Beke, Gábor Bódy, Miklós Erdély, Gyula Gulyás, Péter Halász, Ágnes Háy, Tamás Hencze, Péter Lajtai, Péter Legéndy, László Méhes, Gyula Pauer, Tamás Szentjóby

László Beke: Cobblestones, gravestones,
Screening of films cut on the spot,
Béla Adamis and Miklós Erdély: A long film strip was laid down, starting from the chapel door.

“The Avant-garde Festival was not really a success because of poor organisation and technical problems. Laci Beke projected the slide show titled Cobblestones and Gravestones, of which he only managed to get to the end of the gravestones and when he got to the middle of the cobblestones even the spare bulb was gone in the projector. Ági Hay’s film titled Plasticine was screened with a 16-mm projector and Gábor Bódy’s study, Paradigmatic Structures, + [continues with a different handwriting] we made films by editing short shots and we screened them one after the next. Our creative team (Erdély, Háy, Bódy, Adamis) set up its editing room under the Crucifix in the open.
[Back to the original handwriting]
About 100 people came, mainly from Budapest.
Endre Tót sent us a telegram, and the exhibited works were [made by] Szentjóby, Ági Háy, Pauer, Legéndy, Rajczi, Péter Lajtai, Miklós Erdély, Miklós Haraszti, Tamás Hencze, Jóska-Haris Molnár V (photograph).
Actions: Tamás Szentjóby Exclusion Exercise – was sitting on a chair with a bucket on his head and a board inscribed with the words ‘penalty prevention auto-therapy’ around his neck, and he answered questions asked by visitors.
Gyula Pauer: 1. Pseudo Advertisement from a cassette player. 2. Mobile: “Make a short cry and you’ll hear someone, make two, four, eight short cries” (the audience participates in the work, is part of the work) for 3 days.
Gyula Gulyás sat down one meter from the centre of the chapel towards the door with his legs crossed at 5 p.m. on the 8th and clipped colour pegs all over his half-nude body; this was photographed and filmed.
Laci Méhes ate a fried chicken leg walking about the chapel bald and with a long beard (without bread).
Péter Halász was sitting in front of the door, cleaning the shoes of the visitors and singing (songs with improvised lyrics and melody).
Miklós Erdély and Béla Adamis laid down a film strip on the road, starting from the chapel door, and left it there.
Gábor Bódy made Möbius strips, and Erdély brought [films] with him, which were projected.
Exhibited objects:
Pauer: Mobile Sculpture
Szentjóby: Conflagration model
Legéndy: Plum Dumpling
Erdély: Brushwood is The Proletarian of Fuel
(György Galántai’s diary entry, 10 July 1972)

6-9 July 1972 - “DIRECT WEEK” exhibition, events (organized by Gyula Pauer and Tamás Szentjóby). Participants: László Beke, Miklós Erdély, Gyula Gulyás, Miklós Haraszti, László Haris, Ágnes Háy, Tamás Hencze, Péter Lajtai, Péter Legéndy, József V. Molnár , Gyula Pauer, Margit Rajczi, Tamás Szentjóby, Endre Tót.